donderdag 28 juli 2016

Testing our way to IPR

IPR (Integration Progress Review) is coming up TOMORROW.
This means we really need to get our experiment ready for flight, and one of the most important things for space-related missions is: TEST!
Make sure you beat Murphy's Law! ... or at least limit its power as much as you can.

Among the various things to verify are: will our experiment withstand stratospheric temperatures and pressures? Will it withstand vibrations? Ans so on...

OSCAR: "How do we test vibration?"
Experts: "Living in Belgium? Just drive around on any road with your experiment in the back of a truck!"

... And so we did!

We also started testing our magnetometer (Aury). Jarda and Jelle did an awesome job in building her up, and she has already passed our vacuum testing.
See her inside the vacuum bell? She worked for over 5 hours at a pressure of 20 mbar.
Way to go, Aury!

Cross your fingers for us, you all: tomorrow's review is a crucial step towards our balloon flight!